Assignment 5 Cursor : SET A

ware4=# \d
           List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner  
 public | cities    | table | postgres
 public | customer  | table | postgres
 public | io        | table | postgres
 public | items     | table | postgres
 public | orders    | table | postgres
 public | si        | table | postgres
 public | stores    | table | postgres
 public | warehouse | table | postgres
(8 rows)

ware4=# select * from cities;
   city    |    state   
 Pune      | Maharashtra
 Mumbai    | Maharashtra
 New.Delhi | Delhi
 Kolhapur  | Maharashtra
 Banglore  | Karnataka
(5 rows)

ware4=# select * from customer;
 cno |   cname   |   addr   |  cu_city 
   1 | Mr.Patil  | Katraj   | Pune
   2 | Mr.Nene   | Khadki   | Pune
   3 | Mr.Lele   | Khothrud | Pune
   4 | Mr.Lale   | Thane    | Mumbai
   5 | Mrs.Patil | XYZ      | New.Delhi
   6 | Mrs.Nene  | UVW      | Kolhapur
   7 | Mrs.lele  | ABC      | Banglore
   8 | Mrs.lale  | DEF      | Banglore
(8 rows)

ware4=# select * from io;
 ino | ono | oq
 111 |  11 | 11
 222 |  22 | 22
 333 |  33 | 33
 444 |  44 | 44
 555 |  55 | 55
 666 |  66 | 66
 777 |  77 | 77
 888 |  88 | 88
(8 rows)

ware4=# select * from items;
 ino | description | weight |  cost 
 111 | Metal       | 100.00 | 500.00
 222 | Playwood    | 200.00 | 300.00
 333 | Ceramic     | 100.00 | 800.00
 444 | Laminate    | 300.00 | 900.00
 555 | Channel     | 250.00 | 250.00
 666 | Plastic     | 900.00 | 100.00
 777 | POP         | 500.00 | 250.00
 888 | Cement      | 700.00 | 150.00
(8 rows)

ware4=# select * from orders;
 ono |   odate    | cno
  11 | 2014-12-12 |   1
  22 | 2014-11-11 |   2
  33 | 2014-10-10 |   3
  44 | 2014-09-09 |   4
  55 | 2014-08-08 |   5
  66 | 2014-07-07 |   6
  77 | 2014-08-08 |   7
  88 | 2014-05-05 |   8
(8 rows)

ware4=# select * from si;
 sid  | ino | qauntity
 1001 | 111 |       11
 1002 | 222 |       22
 1003 | 333 |       33
 1004 | 444 |       44
 1005 | 555 |       55
 1006 | 666 |       66
 1007 | 777 |       77
 1008 | 888 |       88
 1009 | 111 |       99
 1010 | 111 |       19
(10 rows)

ware4=# select * from stores;
 sid  |   sname    | loc_city  | wid
 1001 | Ram        | Pune      | 101
 1002 | Laxman     | Pune      | 102
 1003 | Sita       | Pune      | 103
 1004 | Hanuman    | Mumbai    | 104
 1005 | Ravan      | New.Delhi | 105
 1006 | Kumbakaran | Kolhapur  | 106
 1007 | Vibhishan  | Banglore  | 107
 1008 | Jatayu     | Banglore  | 108
 1009 | Vanarsena  | Pune      | 101
 1010 | Rakshas    | Pune      | 101
(10 rows)

ware4=# select * from warehouse;
 wid | wname |   loc   |   city   
 101 | ABC   | Katraj  | Pune
 102 | DEF   | Khadki  | Pune
 103 | GHI   | Kothrud | Pune
 104 | JKL   | Thane   | Mumbai
 105 | MNO   | XYZ     | New.Delhi
 106 | PQR   | UVW     | Kolhapur
 107 | STU   | ABC     | Banglore
 108 | VWX   | DEF     | Banglore
(8 rows)

ware4=# create language 'plpgsql';


ware4=# create function fun2(nm varchar(20))returns void as '
declare c1 cursor for select wname from warehouse where city=nm;
wn char(30);
open c1;
fetch c1 into wn;
exit when not found;
raise notice''customer name:-%'',wn;
end loop;
close c1;
end '
language 'plpgsql';

ware4=# select fun2('Pune');
NOTICE:  customer name:-ABC                          
NOTICE:  customer name:-DEF                          
NOTICE:  customer name:-GHI                          

(1 row)


ware4=# create function fun4()returns void as '
declare c3 cursor for select ino,description from items where cost between 500 and 1000;
ino int;
d text;
open c3;
fetch c3 into ino,d;
exit when not found;
raise notice''item nos:%'',ino;
raise notice''description:%'',d;
end loop;
close c3;
end '
language 'plpgsql';

ware4=# select fun4();
NOTICE:  item nos:111
NOTICE:  description:Metal
NOTICE:  item nos:333
NOTICE:  description:Ceramic
NOTICE:  item nos:444
NOTICE:  description:Laminate

(1 row)

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