Assignment 5 Cursor : SET D

railway4=# \d
           List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner  
 public | passenger | table | postgres
 public | ticket    | table | postgres
 public | train     | table | postgres
(3 rows)

railway4=# select * from passenger;
 pid |   pname    | addr | age | gender
  11 | mr jadhav  | abc  |  20 | male
  22 | mr patil   | xyz  |  30 | male
  33 | mrs patil  | xyz  |  40 | female
  44 | mrs jadhav | sty  |  50 | female
(4 rows)

railway4=# select * from ticket;
 tno | pid | ticket_no | b_no | no_berths |    date    | ticket_amt | status |     da    
 101 |  11 |         1 |   12 |         5 | 2009-05-03 |            |        |
 102 |  22 |         2 |   15 |         3 | 2009-04-02 |            |        |
 104 |  44 |         5 |   12 |         5 | 2010-05-03 |    4000.00 | w      |
 102 |  22 |         6 |   12 |         5 | 2010-03-03 |    4000.00 | w      |
 103 |  33 |         4 |   12 |         5 | 2010-05-03 |    2000.00 | c      | 2010-05-03
 101 |  11 |         3 |   12 |         5 | 2010-05-03 |    2500.00 | w      |
(6 rows)

railway4=# select * from train;
 tno |      tname      |  d_time  |  a_time  | s_stin | dest_stin | no_of_bogies | bogies_capacity
 101 | chennai express | 11:00:00 | 21:30:00 | abc    | xyz       |           12 |              45
 102 | mumbai express  | 12:00:00 | 21:30:00 | def    | pqr       |           20 |              60
 103 | pune express    | 12:00:00 | 22:30:00 | jkl    | stu       |           30 |              60
 104 | express         | 12:00:00 | 22:30:00 | mno    | ghi       |           40 |              80
(4 rows)



railway4=# create function fu1()returns void as '
declare cf1 cursor for select pname from passenger where pid in(select pid from ticket where da=''2010-05-03'' and status=''c'');
paname char(20);
open cf1;
fetch cf1 into paname;
exit when not found;
raise notice ''Passenger Name: %'',paname;
end loop;
close cf1;
end '
language 'plpgsql';

railway4=# select fu1();
NOTICE:  Passenger Name: mrs patil           

(1 row)


railway4=# create function fu4()returns void as '
declare cf2 cursor for select count(pname) from passenger where pid in(select pid from ticket where date=''2010-05-03'' and status=''w'');
cnt int;
open cf2;
fetch cf2 into cnt;
exit when not found;
raise notice ''Total: %'',cnt;
end loop;
close cf2;
end '
language 'plpgsql';
railway4=# select fu4();
NOTICE:  Total: 2

(1 row)

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