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=> Design an HTML page containing 4 options ,buttons(painting,drawing,singing and swimming) and 2 buttons reset and submit. When the user clicks submit button , the server response by adding a cookie containing the selected hobby and sends a message back to client. Program should not allow duplicate cookie to written. 

=> Write a client server programs which displays the server machines date and time on the client machine.

=>Consider the following entity and their relationships BillMaster(billno,custename,billdate) BillDetails(itemname,qty,rate) BillMaster and BilDetails are related with one-many relationship. Create a RDB in 3NF using Postgresql for the above and solve the following: Desing HTML page that accept the bill number from user and print the corresponding bill in the following format using servlet programming.

=>Design a servlet that provides information about a http request from client, such as IP address and browser type. The servlet also provides information about the server on which the servlet is running, such as the operating system type, and the names of currently loaded servlet.

=>Write a server program which echoes messages sent by the client. The process continues till the client types “END”.
=>Create the table student with the fields roll number ,name, percentage using postgresql. Write a menu driven program (command line interface) to perform the following oprations on student table. a. insert b. modify c. delete d. search e. view all f. exit

=>Write a servlet which counts how many times a user has visited a web page. If the user is visiting the page for the first time, display a welcome message. If the user is revisiting the page, display the number of times visited. (Use cookies) 

=>Write a program which sends the name of text file from the client to server and display the contents of that file on the client machine. If the file does not exists display proper error msg.

=>Write a program to accept a list of file names on the client machine and check how many exist on the server. Display appropriate message on the client side.

=>Define a thread called “PrintTextThread” for printing text on command prompt for ‘n’ number of times. Create 3 threads and run them. Pass the text ‘n’ parameters to the thread constructor. Example: a. First thread prints “I am in FY” 10 times. b. Second thread prints “I am in SY” 20 times c. Third thread prints “I am in TY” 30 times

=>Write a program to calculate the sum and the average of an array of 1000 integers (generate randomly) using 10 threads. Each thread calculates the sum of 100 integers. Use these values to calculate average. [use join method]

=>Create table student with fields roll number,name,percentage using postgresql. Insert values in the tables. Display all the details of the student table in the tabular format on the screen(using swing).

=>Construct linked list containing names of colors:red,blue,yellow and orange. Then extend your program to do the following. a. Display the contents of the list using an Iterator. b. Display the contents of the list in reverse order using ListIterator. c. Create another list containg pink and green. Insert the elements of the list between blue and yellow.

=>Create a hash table containing student name and percentage. Display the details of hash table. Also search for the specific student and display percentage of that student.

=>Create an application to store city names and their STD codes using an appropriate collection. The GUI should allow the following operations: a. add a new city and its code(No Duplicate) b. remove a city name and display the code. c. search for a city name and display the code.

=>Design a table login(login_name, password) using postgresql. Also design an HTML login screen accepting a login name and password from the user. Write a servlet program that validates accepted login name and password entered by user from the login table you have created. The servlet sends back an appropriate response.

=>Accept “n” integers from the user and store them into the collection. Display them in the sorted order. The collection should not accept duplicate elements (Use suitable collection). Search for the particular element using predefined search method in the collection framework

=>Design a following Phone Book Application screen using swing. Display proper msg if invalid data inserted like name left blank and negative phone number. Using postgresql store the values in the table Phone(Name, Address, Phone) if valid data is entered for all the fields and perform the various operations like Add, Delete, Next and previous.

=>Create a JSP page which accepts username in the textbox and greet the user according to the time on server side. Example: Input: User Name: ABC Output: Good Morning ABC / Good Afternoon ABC / Good Evening ABC 

=>Write a program to make use of the following JSP implicit objects. a. Out: To display current Date and Time. b. Request: to get header information. c. Response: to add a cookie. d. Config: get the parameters value defined in <init-param>. e. Application: get the parameter value defined in <context-param> 

1 comment:

  1. All programs are very helpful mam to study thanks to you.........
